About Consumer Protection - Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Consumer Protection in Western Australia helps consumers, businesses, landlords, tenants and some regulated industries. We help people understand their consumer rights and aim to create a fair trading environment. Our areas of expertise include: buying, selling or renting homes; motor vehicle sales and repairs; charities and associations; product safety; scams, travelling conmen and unlicensed or unscrupulous traders; occupational licences and registrations. Consumer Protection has dedicated officers and specific resources for multicultural communities and people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, living in the regions and/or living with a disability. See our website (consumerprotection.wa.gov.au) for further information.


Peter Bibby

Completely unhelpful and unprofessional.


A toothless tiger that does no investigations at all into complaints accepting whatever the errant trader says. Should be re-named Trader Protection to reflect the real purpose of this department. Operates under the Department of Mines which probably says it all! A total waste of time and taxpayers money. Come on WA you can do better to offer some real protection to consumers against rogue traders who indulge in false and misleading advertising which we complained about.

Where to find Consumer Protection - Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Consumer Protection - Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Price range $$
Perth, WA 6000
Map showing the location of Consumer Protection - Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety in Perth, WA 6000

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