About SpeedFit Perth CBD

Fast, efficient and deeply effective, SpeedFit turns everything you know about gym workouts on its head. Based on EMS training (electronic muscle stimulation) SpeedFit is a scientifically proven method used for decades in Europe for rehabilitation and sports medicine. It’s incredibly time efficient: in just 20 minutes, and EMS machine will give you the same results as several hours spent sweating in the gym. SpeedFit studios are no ordinary gyms. Expect small, private spaces, pristinely clean – with only a few people present at any one time. Your instructor will give you your own machine and guide you through a personally tailored workout just right for your body – and your health and fitness needs.


Mary Walker

My fiancé and I have been going to Cloisters Speedfit every week for the past 6 months, and no joke - it is something else. And I mean that in a good way. A very good way. At first we were sceptical, because yes, we do get dressed up like we're in the movie Tron, and yes, it is pretty bloody intense the first few times you do it. But! After our first four weeks we found ourselves looking forward to every session, and we can definitely see an improvement in our fitness, posture, overall health, and (wait for it wait for it) our abs. Yep. We have abs now. If you needed any more of an excuse to try it out, then you're a crazy person and I can't help you. Abs, people. Real life abs. I cannot stress that word enough. A.b.s.

Oh, and bonus points for the trainers. They are actual human people who treat you like you're a buddy, and not just some random schmoe who signed up for a gym. Thanks for putting up with our weirdness, guys, and for recognising that sometimes we are delicate flowers and will whine the whole way through our session. Appreciated.

Lee Jordan

After being a sceptic that this would work for me, being a cyclist with a inactive Glute, I had nothing to lose.

After 1 session with Domi my cycling improved out of sight.

Massive rap to Domi and Speedfit for helping me out.



Where to find SpeedFit Perth CBD

SpeedFit Perth CBD

Price range $$
Perth, WA 6000
Map showing the location of SpeedFit Perth CBD in Perth, WA 6000

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