About RG Campbell Advisory

What we do: 1. Provide advice on all aspects of pork production 2. Provide advice on global competitiveness in pork production and opportunities for enhancing profitability 3. Provide advice/presentations on innovation and developments pertinent to the business of pork production 4. Review research reports to identify commercial opportunities and enhance profitability 5. Manage research at the program and project levels 6. Advise on facilities available both nationally and internationally on where research can be conducted in a professional, reliable and credible manner.



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RG Campbell Advisory

11 Mar 2020
Research is a key element to success, business differentiation and product and business development. However, only if it is done correctly. Research has to be targeted to address constraints within a company and needs to be innovative and well designed and interpreted – otherwise investment in research is likely to be wasted. There is also generally research reports and outcomes published by scientists and research organisations that may well apply to your situation. These should be reviewed before you start to reinvent the wheel or invest in research that have already proven to be ineffective. RG Campbell Advisory understands what is happening in the innovation space globally and what crucial factors need to be considered when designing a research project. We have the time to review the global literature and attend appropriate research meetings and to bring the relevant information to you –to be either implemented /tested or researched within your business.

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Exeter, SA 5019
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